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//Natural Treatments for Autism?

Natural Treatments for Autism?

Homeopathy For Autism

Autism is a complex nervous system disorder that starts right from birth and makes its presence seen within a few years of age.

Your little one may show abrupt behavior including inability to communicate properly, repeated movements,  trouble interpreting, getting aggressive soon, disinterest in environment, lack of acknowledgement for others, etc.

The concern of parents regarding this debilitating condition is understandable. 

Searching for multiple modalities and their suitability for their children can be a daunting task. For instance, a modality suiting to one child may be slow or entirely ineffective for the next.

It might also be the case that his past or ongoing medical condition disallows the modality to show its full effects.

So, yes natural treatments should be your starting point on reporting autism symptoms  and should go along with any primary treatment you take.

Homeopathy for autism

So what can you expect if you opt for conventional treatments?

It will treat your child on the basis of a common disease label and a pre-set prescription.

But here , where each child having the same disorder may have different emotional, mental and diet patterns that evoke this disorder, a personalized natural treatment such as homeopathy works best. 

Homeopathy allows treating an autistic child on the basis of his unique symptoms.

The possible triggers, more pronounced behavior, foods that trigger up his condition, etc-all are looked at by a homeopath, giving a completely personalized prescription that shows remarkable results, sometimes so fast that you might think- why didn’t I come to know about this holistic treatment before?

At such a young age, most parents are often reluctant to give any sort of medication to their children as they fear it would hinder their growth process. And of course, no parent wants to subject their child to harsh treatments.

Do give homeopathy a try, even if you want to supplement it alongside other treatments.

Or if anytime you feel that you can shift entirely to homeopathy for autism, consult a homeopathic doctor and get necessary guidance.

Homeopathy for autism spectrum disorder is so safer than over the counter drugs, that they can in no way cause any side effect or addiction to your child.

So alongside homeopathy treatment, I am also listing some natural treatments that can go side by side with it and help better relieve the symptoms of autism.

There is still not a complete treatment for autism but it can easily be managed.

Other treatment options for autism

Remain calm

Getting angry over your child’s abrupt behavior will only add to more stress and even take up any opportunity for improvement.

By remaining calm, you prepare a healthy environment for your kid to support you well in your efforts.

Healthy Gut

As research shows a common factor among autism kids is an unhealthy gut.

By using probiotics you can supplement the healthy bacteria which in turn will maintain a balance in the gut system.

Naturally fermented foods and dairy products also supplement the shortage of healthy bacteria.

Reduce the Use of Refined Sugar

Candida is a fungus present in our body which can create various digestive issues if unhealthy bacteria exceeds healthy bacteria.

Refined sugars help this fungus to grow.

And as I told, the presence of unhealthy bacteria can aggravate the autism disorder.


Autism is a neurological disorder

It is a natural and noninvasive treatment that works with the brain waves.

By locating the patterns creating negative symptoms, a biofeedback is given to the patient to develop positive patterns.

Neurofeedback has shown good results not only for autism but also for a migraine, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, etc.


Children having autism have imbalance in their gut’s healthy bacteria.

This imbalance can sometimes cause allergies to flare up.

By supplementing his diet with foods that promote healthy bacteria  you can reduce the chances of autism symptoms

Also, consult a homeopath who will guide you with the necessary vitamins, minerals or any other supplements that can promote healthy bacteria so that your child’s gut system remains healthy and in turn helps manage autism.

Speech Therapy

A person with autism may face difficulty using conversational speech and understanding nonverbal gestures which hampers his social communication.

Speech therapy helps coordinate the speech and its mechanics  through a one to one therapy.

A personal analysis is done, then a personalized training involving the child’s parents, teachers, and school is designed to help improve the speech problems.

Remove Toxic Products from Home

Toxic substances can have a role in aggravating the autism condition. Try to remove such products from home or replace them with natural alternatives.

Room freshener, pesticide, or any chemical cleaning products can cause toxic overload.


If you still have any doubt or concerns, please feel free to drop me a message at and I will get back to you soon.

Note: Do not self-medicate any of the remedies listed above . Consult a qualified homeopath.

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Martin Solonick

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